Have you ever wanted to visit a foreign country but haven't been able to haven't had the money to well now an under ground telescope lets people in New York see people in France its actually just two giant web cam like devices you are able to see the people but not talk to them for now that seems to be fine for most people. Think about it though you could put these things all over the world and given an audio adjustment could easily conduct conversations, reunions, weddings, and so much more. The idea came when British artist Paul St George was rummaging through his great grandpa Alexander's personal affects and found the design on paper in some box.
I think this would be a great way to see the world at home i mean yeah you won't feel the effects of the beach or anything like that but it still gives the feeling like you are there. Whats next transatlantic subways? Who knows? If they can drill a tunnel across the ocean for this device then I'm sure a subway won't be far behind.
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