It appears that researchers have found one of the many uses for Stonehenge was burials. Researchers say that Stonehenge served as a burial ground from its beginning and for some hundred years after that. Cremated remains show that the burials began as early as 3000 B.C., research has also found that the first ditches were being built around the landmark at this time. It is now clear to archaeologists that burials at Stonehenge were a major part of its early life.
At first many archaeologists thought that burials at Stonehenge only took place for about a century. The archaeologists also excavated a small village nearby at Durrington walls, which they found to be seasonal homes related to Stonehenge. The village appeared to be a place of the living and Stonehenge a place of the ancestors. In the middle of the village the archaeologists found a circle of wooden pillars which was given the name the Southern circle. It is facing the midwinter sunrise. The archaeologists found that the earliest cremation burial was a small group of bones and teeth found in one of the ditches, and they dated to 3030B.C. to 2880B.C.
The actual building and purpose of Stonehenge still remain a mystery.
I find this all very interesting in fact i find anything that has to do with early history and life very interesting. I think it is amazing for how long Stonehenge has been around and we are only now unraveling its mysteries.
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