Are you tired of high gas prices? Well have you ever thought about using grease to power your car or what ever monstrosity you happen to drive. All you need is some grease like bacon grease or pretty much any kind to turn it in to bio fuel. So here is how you do it you convert grease it a fuel using a process called Transesterification, which the glycerin from the grease and replaces it with methanol making the grease thin enough to power a diesel engine. Bio diesel can also be blended with regular diesel to create a cleaner burning diesel as well as a fuel that is better for your vehicle. Blends of the alternative fuel are currently sold in 1,400 different stations across the country. But as you can guess as gas prices increase so does the value of grease, in the last three years soy bean oil which is the base for bio diesel has tripled in price. One week ago a gallon of crude soy bean oil was 66 cents on the bio fuel market.
I believe that bio fuel is promising as an alternative to regular gas if we can produce enough and people stop stealing it, if we can achieve this we well have created a small safe guard against completely having to make new engines as well as having to find a new fuel source right away.
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